There are many advantages to working on your game indoors. For starters you have a launch monitor collecting data on your every swing. Data that is super important to understand to help you improve. Also it provides an easy set up to train effectively with a video camera capturing your every swing for you to review and analyze.
If you can understand the basics of launch monitor data and know what you need to see on video from your swing you are well on your way to not only improving but accelerating your improvement. Too many golfers rely on what their ball does to determine if they were successful or not. The problem with this is that that golf ball can lie. Yes you heard that right. I have seen some pretty bad and inconsistent swings find a way to make contact with the ball and send it in the correct direction. The problem with this is that it is inconsistent. No golfer wants inconsistency, they all want consistency.
So how do we achieve more consistency? We start by using something everyone has these days, which is their phone. The phones now have awesome cameras that can capture your swing. To help you set yourself up for success when golf moves indoors follow these steps.
Great now you are all set up for success but what does the process of actually working on your swing look like? Follow these steps.
If you follow these steps and do it each and every time and consistently you will see change. Once the swings look right on video you can add very small increments of speed. This process will take some time and you have to be patient but if you want to be better and make a change for the better you have to be disciplined and diligent in your approach.